Can my business claim the R&D incentive for software projects?

Women looking at screens

Is your company planning to develop software as part of an experimental R&D project? You may qualify for the R&D tax incentive, even if you’re not a software developer but operate in a technology-focused industry such as manufacturing. However, the activities you claim for must genuinely meet the relevant tests – and the ATO says […]

Protecting your customers’ data


Any Australian organisation that handles personal information could be captured under the notifiable data breaches scheme which requires organisations to notify individuals whose personal information is involved in a data breach that is likely to result in serious harm. This scheme usually applies to larger businesses, but could capture sole traders, individuals, trusts and partnerships […]

Bitcoin: Personal investors

Gold coins with Bitcoin logo

There has been plenty of press coverage on bitcoin, but what are the tax consequences if you decide to join the craze? Here we examine the tax effects if you choose to invest in bitcoin on a personal level. Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency, created in 2009. Bitcoin currency transactions are entered on a peer-networked […]

Should I move to Xero?

The end of a financial year is a great time to reflect on how your business has performed over the last 12 months. The lead up to 30th June is also a great time to consider what goals you have for the next financial year, both financially and non financially. A lot of clients use […]

The Cloud & Xero – what, why and how?

We love The Cloud – which is why we have based The Accounting Division on it! Some might say that we’re a little bit addicted to Xero (our fave cloud accounting software)… but really, we’re just super excited about the benefits it provides our clients with, and so we just want to spread the word […]